The 2022 Vermont Fruit & Nut Tree Grant Program supported the purchase and successful planting and care of trees and shrubs for 20 grantee groups at 54 community growing sites across the state of Vermont.
Our summer intern, Julia, reflects on her time with the UCF program, in Vermont communities, and learning about urban and community forestry throughout the state.
After 16 years with the VT UCF Program and UVM Extension, Kate Forrer is branching out to take on the role of Executive Director of the Vermont Woodlands Association. Before she left, Kate shared some highlights, lessons, and memories.
The latest episode of the Heartwood Podcast, featuring several UCF staff, focuses on the importance of tree species diversity for a resilient urban forest.
The Forest Matter video series was created to support municipal and regional planning efforts to address protection of forest blocks and habitat connectors while supporting the local forest products industry.
VT UCF was a partner in a comprehensive analysis of the economic contributions of urban and community forestry across the Northeast-Midwest region. Learn more about this study and the regional and Vermont-specific results.
The Arbor Day Foundation recently launched its Tree Campus K-12 Program to designate and recognize schools for tree education and stewardship. The Shelburne Community School is the first K-12 school in Vermont to apply for this designation.
UCF's Joanne Garton took to the woods to learn more about current state-led efforts to manage emerald ash borer populations on the landscape with stingless, parasitic wasps.
The recipients are 20 different organizations and volunteer groups connected with community growing spaces at community gardens, community farms, schools, housing communities, libraries, non-profits, and more – serving people across Vermont.
Congratulations to the recipients of our 2022 Caring for Canopy grant program. These 10 municipalities will be moving their local tree programs forward in the year ahead!
Each year we're required to report to the US Forest Service on the educational, technical, and financial assistance that we provide to Vermont municipalities. Here are some highlights from federal fiscal year 2021!
EAB Awareness Week is a great opportunity to educate people in your city or town about the threat of emerald ash borer to Vermont’s ash trees, and the important steps residents and businesses can take to slow the spread and help your municipality respond.
Using research from the Vermont Department of Health, the Vermont Urban & Community Forestry Program targeted communities in Vermont that are most vulnerable to heat-related illness with a free tree giveaway program, Energy Saving Trees.
Congratulations to the 2020 VT UCF grant recipients! We are pleased to announce that $70,000 in funding will be going to 14 grant recipients to support a variety of tree stewardship and EAB management projects.
Town Meeting Day is Tuesday, March 3rd 2020. This is a great opportunity to increase awareness locally about emerald ash borer and the impact it may have on your community.