From volunteer songbird surveys to timber harvests led by professional foresters and loggers, there are so many ways to stay active on the land of a town forest and with the community that supports it. Consult your town's forest management plan to learn what is planned and what is possible. Then, reach out to your county forester and neighboring town forest committee members to vet ideas, check project details, and harness the power of community work.
Written agreements, contracts, and receipts are all important parts of your role as a forest land manager on municipal land. Read sample contracts below to learn more about the details that you should cover when beginning work with a county forester, a logger, or a mill.
Starting work with a county forester? Review the sample contracts created for municipal partnerships.
Sample contracts with a county forester
Andrews Community Forest Management Agreement, Richmond, VT (2020)
Catamount Community Forest Management Agreement, Williston, VT (2023)
Sayward Town Forest Timber Sale Agreement, Randolph, VT (2023)
Sample contracts with a logger for a timber sale
Andrews Community Forest Timber Sale Contract, Richmond, VT (2020)
Catamount Community Forest Forest Management Contract, Williston, VT (2023)
Chelsea Town Forest Timber Sale Contract, Chelsea, VT (2023)
Hinesburg Town Forest Timber Sale Contract and Amendment, Hinesburg, VT (2018)
Sayward Town Forest Timber Sale Contract, Randolph, VT (2023)
Sample Mill Slip (2023). A mill slip shows how many logs were sent to the mill in each truckload delivered. Every log delivered to a sawmill is graded by a scaler at the mill. These scalers determine the volume and grade of each log delivered. These slips break down the grade of each log and the total volume each log represents. Most will have a table at the top showing the total volume of the truckload broken down by grade. Depending on the agreement with the logger, these slips may include the prices the mill is paying for each log and the total amount the mill is paying the logger for the truckload the slip represents.
Sample contract with other contractors
Andrews Community Forest for Forest Stand Improvement, Richmond, VT (2023)
Andrews Community Forest Invasive Plant Control Contract, Richmond, VT (2023)

Successfully Implementing Stewardship Activities
Join Chittenden County Forester Ethan Tapper to learn what happens, before, during, and after town forest management activities such as timber harvests, invasive plant removal, and habitat restoration. St. Albans Town Forest Committee Kerry Johnson and Fellowship of the Wheel member Andy Croftsman discuss blending trail builders with ecologists and neighboring landowners to make a thoughtful trail network.