Tree Warden School is an online course is designed for tree wardens and community decision makers to learn how to better manage their public tree resources. The focus is on understanding the role and responsibilities of the tree warden, identifying trees as a public resource, and connecting with stakeholders in your municipality.
About this Course

Tree Warden School is a self-paced course, composed of 4 sections. Each section has videos and content that are to be completed on your own schedule. This course is designed for all Vermont Tree Wardens (newly appointed or veterans). Other decision makers such as municipal staff, select board members, conservation commission members and interested tree enthusiasts may also attend. Please note, the content will focus solely on the responsibilities of the appointed tree warden.
Course Objectives
- Define tree warden responsibility.
- Identify partners and stakeholders in public tree management.
- Identify three challenges and three opportunities for tree management in your community.
- Explore VT Urban & Community Forestry resources and documents.
- Identify strategies and next steps in your municipality’s tree management.

Registration is closed. For more information, contact Gwen at or 802-656-7638.
For more information on this program, contact Gwen Kozlowski at or 802-656-7638.