Emerald ash borer (EAB) was first confirmed in Vermont in February 2018. We encourage all Vermont towns to prepare for and manage the impacts of EAB and the loss of ash trees in our communities. Dead and dying ash trees along the public right-of-way and in public places, such as parks and schools, pose a risk to public safety. The loss of ash trees will leave gaps, impacting the ecological, economic, and aesthetic benefits provided by every municipality's urban forest. Municipalities will bear the responsibility and costs of removing ash trees, replanting trees of other species, and treating ash trees with insecticide to protect them from EAB infestation. Learn more about the impact of EAB on the USDA APHIS story map.
Quick Links
Infested Area Map EAB Identification Ash Tree Identification
Stay up to date by visiting VTinvasives.org and signing up for the EAB Updates Listserv.
Municipal Planning Resources
Municipal Ash Management Strategy Overview
Review three broad strategies: preemptive management, selective management, and reactive management.
Worksheet for Vermont Communities
The purpose of this worksheet is to assist municipalities in understanding the impact of emerald ash borer on their communities.
Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently asked questions about managing emerald ash borer in your municipality.
Ash Tree Inventories
Review ash inventory options and decide which one might be appropriate for your community.
Municipal Mangement Case Studies
Review 9 case studies from municipalities in the Midwest, New England, and Vermont.
Insecticide Resouces
Review insecticide options, FAQ & resources.
Examples of Vermont EAB Preparedness and Management Plans
Budgeting Resources
- Rough Estimates:
Stump grinding: $6.50/inch DBH or $125-250/tree
Replacement tree planting: $100-$600/tree (many factors determine planting cost)
Insecticide treatment: $3 - $15/DBH inch every other year (lower cost estimates if application is done by town staff that hold pesticide applicator certification)
Examples of Contracting Documents and Public Notices
Charlotte: RFP for ash tree removal along Lake Road, 2019
Charlotte: Notice of Public Hearing to Consider the Removal of Ash Trees, 2019
Charlotte: Letter to landowners regarding the Public Hearing, 2019
Charlotte: RFP for ash tree removals, 2020
East Montpelier: RFP packet for ash tree removals including landowner letters, 2020
Essex: RFP for urban ash tree removals, 2020
Essex: RFP for rural ash tree removals, 2020
Richmond: RFP for treatment, removals, and replanting, 2021
Vermont Agency of Transportation (VTrans) EAB special provisions for contracted services, 2019
Additional Resources
Resources for Private Landowners
Need Assistance?
For assistance with roadside ash inventory and mapping, plan editing and review, and outreach and education contact Joanne Garton (joanne.garton@vermont.gov), Technical Assistance Coordinator. For assistance with outreach and educational efforts related to EAB, contact Ginger Nickerson (ginger.nickerson@uvm.edu), Forest Pest Education Coordinator