August 31, 2022
This Forests Matter video series was created to support planning efforts consistent with Vermont Planning Statutes (Act 171) to encourage and allow municipalities to address protection of forest blocks and habitat connectors while supporting the local forest products industry. Learn more!
The series of six short videos is intended to support municipal staff, planning commission members, conservation commission members, and regional planners by providing an overview of the planning process, highlighting tools and resources, and providing examples of successful planning at the local level.
- Introduction to Planning for Forest Integrity
- Step 1: Assess Forest Blocks and Habitat Connectors
- Step 2: Identify Community Values and Engage the Public
- Step 3: Identify Community Goals and Policies
- Step 4: Create your Future Land Use Map and Policy
- Step 5: Implementation and Action
This video series was produced by Peregrine Productions, LLC and is part of the Forest Integrity Project, a 5-year initiative led by the VT Department of Forests, Parks & Recreation (VT FPR) and in partnership with the Vermont Department of Fish & Wildlife, the Vermont Natural Resources Council, the Forest Ecosystem Monitoring Cooperative, the Central Vermont Regional Planning Commission, and the Office of Planning within the Vermont Agency of Natural Resources. VT FPR is grateful to the US Forest Service, who made the Forest Integrity Project and its deliverables possible through the award of a Landscape Scale Restoration Grant.