February 9, 2023

You asked and we listened! The Vermont Tree Wardens now have a listserv to share ideas, questions, and examples. This listserv is intended for tree wardens, volunteers or municipal staff interested in public tree management.
How to Join Listserv
- Send an email to: listserv@list.uvm.edu
- No subject needed; subject line can be left blank
- Text of email should be: subscribe TreeWardens First Name Last Name (example text: subscribe TreeWardens Gwen Kozlowski)
- You will be sent an automated email with a link to confirm your subscription.
- Click the link to confirm your subscription to the listserv.
How to Email Listserv
Ready to ask the group a question or share a success story? Send an email to: treewardens@list.uvm.edu.
Questions? Contact Gwen at gwen.kozlowski@uvm.edu