2025 Community Tree Planting Grants

The Community Tree Planting Grant (CTPG) program will hold two rounds of competitive grant applications (2024, 2025) to help fund tree planting projects in high priority areas across Vermont. These community projects will help increase urban tree canopy and improve water quality and public health by controlling stormwater. This program is being administered by the Chittenden County Regional Planning Commission in cooperation with the Vermont Urban and Community Forest Program. See full overview below. 

The first (2024) round of awards have been announced.  Learn about the grant recipients.

Rockingham Tree Planting

Grant Overview

  •     $5,000 minimum to $75,000 maximum.
  •     No cost-share required. 
  •     VT UCF offers technical support for applicants and award winners. 
  •     Two rounds of funding:
    •     Round 1 applications closed.
    •     Round 2 applications due January 10, 2025.
  •     All projects must be completed by July 31, 2026.

View Program Guide

Eligible Entities 

  • Municipalities as defined in 1 V.S.A. § 126  (Cities, Towns, Fire Districts, Incorporated Villages, and Union Municipal Districts)
  • Regional Planning Commissions (RPCs)* in coordination with member municipalities
  • Registered Non-Profit Entities (including Public Educational Institutions)

*Regional Planning Commissions may serve as agent for one or more of their member municipalities. 

Other requirements: Must be registered with SAM.gov, have a unique entity identification number (UEI), and have the required insurance coverages listed in the Application Guide.

Regional Planning Commission as Agent

RPCs may serve as grant administrator and fiscal agent for one or more of their member municipalities. This means that the municipality would design & oversee the project, while the RPC would prepare the grant application, hold the grant contract, receive and spend grant funds, manage contractor procurement, and submit invoices & reports. Find your RPC here

Eligible Projects 

Projects must include tree planting activities in Vermont at the following locations: 

  • Within public ways and places as defined in 24 V.S.A. § 2501a
    • “Public place” means municipal property, including a municipal park, a recreation area, or a municipal building. “Public place” shall not include any municipal forestland or property that is subject to any ownership interest held by the Agency of Transportation. 
    • “Public way” means a right-of-way held by a municipality, including a town highway.
  • Within State of Vermont highway rights-of-way, provided a section 1111 permit is in place or in process. Learn more about planting trees in the State ROW. The 1111 permit is free, and it is not required at the time of application but must be in place before planting in the State ROW.
  • At public educational institutions;
  • On properties owned by registered non-profit entities;
  • On private property provided an approved agreement is in place between an eligible subgrantee and the private property owner.

Eligible Project Costs

  • Costs of trees to be planted, including delivery. 
  • Staff salaries and contracted services associated directly with tree planting activities (no more than 10% administrative costs). 
  • Preparation of tree planting areas or supporting the growing environment of a tree or group of trees, including those grown in a municipal or community tree nursery; this includes soil, approved soil amendments, tree protection, irrigation, and removal of impervious surface.   
  • Supplies and materials to ensure successful establishment of planted trees, including watering bags or tanks, mulch, staking materials, and tree protection. 
  • Cost of associated services, supplies, or facilities used for the project. 
  • Costs of public outreach and engagement, up to 5% of project budget.

Technical Assistance

VT UCF will be providing direct technical assistance to applicants and grant award winners. Technical assistance may include support regarding: 

  • Project design and application development 
  • Tree planting site assessment, including soil volume and soil condition 
  • Selection of tree species 
  • Sourcing trees 
  • Tree planting demonstration or assistance 
  • Tree care, including proper mulching, staking, and pruning of newly planted trees 
  • Trainings for municipal staff or community volunteers 
  • Tree equity considerations 


  • Round 1
  • April 1, 2024: Applications Open
  • April 19, 2024: Deadline to submit questions for Q&A
  • May 1, 2024: Suggested deadline to coordinate with RPCs if serving as agent
  • May 17, 2024: Applications Due
  • June 2024: Grant Awards Announced
  • July 2024: Award Contracts Finalized
  • December 2025: Grant Closeout (may be extended upon request)
  • Round 2
  • September 1, 2024: Applications Open
  • November 22, 2024: Deadline to submit questions for Q&A
  • December 31, 2024: Suggested deadline to coordinate with RPCs if serving as agent
  • January 10, 2025: Applications Due
  • February 2025: Grant Awards Announced
  • March 2025: Award Contracts Finalized
  • July 2026: Grant Closeout (no extensions available for this grant round)

Application Materials

Program Guide Application 

Application worksheet is a filllable PDF. Please download the document before you edit it.

Additional Documents & Guidance

Informational Webinar

Program staff will host two office hours webinars to share information about this grant and answer questions about project types, application development, and submission process. 

Wednesday, October 9th, 12:00pm – 1:00pm: Join Microsoft Teams Meeting; Meeting ID: 273 942 168 765, Passcode: 8uKbec

Tuesday, December 10th, 12:00pm – 1:00pm: Join Microsoft Teams Meeting; Meeting ID: 281 998 149 612, Passcode: jTvmxY

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Webinar slides


Regional Planning Commissions and staff contacts are listed here.

For information about the grant application process, contact Darren Schibler, CCRPC Senior Planner at dschibler@ccrpcvt.org or 802-846-4490 (ext. 135).

For more information about VT UCF's technical assistance or to start planning a project, contact Adam McCullough, VT UCF's Urban Forester, at adam.mccullough@vermont.gov or 802-522-5104.  

Project Planning Information

This grant program is made possible through American Rescue Plan Act State Fiscal Recovery funds.