Tree Wardens

First outlined in Vermont State statutes in 1904, the position of tree warden is a state-mandated appointment by the legislative body of each municipality. The tree warden controls all shade trees within a municipality. In Vermont State statute, municipal shade trees are defined as trees planted by the municipality in municipal rights-of-way or on municipally-owned land. Additionally, municipalities may designate other trees as shade trees through an adopted shade tree preservation plan.

All New England states have municipal tree wardens, although training and qualifications vary by state. While many tree wardens are trained arborists, foresters, or natural resources professionals who serve the municipality as volunteers, others are appointed to the position as municipal employees within the public works department, parks department, or highway department. 

While Vermont tree wardens have specific duties outlined in state statutes, they also carry out many educational and technical assistance efforts within their municipality to plant and grow healthy trees that benefit the community. Many tree wardens are participating members of town or city tree boards, tree committees, town forest committees, or conservation commissions.

State statutes pertaining to municipal trees

Read or review important definitions, procedures, fines, and tree warden roles and responsibilities. State statutes that govern municipal trees are:

  • Title 24: Municipal and County Government, Chapter 033: Municipal Officers Generally, § 871
  • Title 24: Municipal and County Government, Chapter 067, Parks and Shade Trees, § 2501 - 2512 
  • Title 32: Taxation and Finance, Chapter 017: Fees and Costs, § 1680
  • Title 30: Public Service: Chapter 071: Telegraph, Telephone and Electric Wires, § 2506
  • Title 13: Crimes and Criminal Procedure, Chapter 077: Tree and Plants, § 3602
  • Title 19: Highways, Chapter 009: Repairs, Maintenance and Improvements, § 901 - §904.

Read All Statutes (PDF)

Tree Warden Summit Middleburry 2021

Vermont Tree Warden List

Effective November 1st, 2020, municipalities are required to report the name and contact information for their appointed tree warden to the Commissioner of Forests, Parks & Recreation in accordance with the updated tree warden statutes. View Tree Warden Contact List, updated April 2024.

Frequently Asked Questions

What does a tree warden do?

A municipal tree warden makes decisions about the care of existing shade trees in public ways and places, which may include the need for pruning, root care, protection against disease or pests, and removal. The tree warden may also advise the municipality about tree planting on municipally-owned land or in the right-of-way of municipal roads. 

Many tree wardens expand upon the basic responsibilities of the role and play an active role in their local urban and community tree stewardship efforts. This can include leading or assisting with public tree inventories and tree health assessments, participating in the municipal tree committee or board as an ad hoc member, or developing municipal bylaws and plans to ensure the long-term maintenance and management of the public tree population.

How can my municipality's tree warden help me?

The tree warden shall control all shade trees within the municipality. 

A shade tree is defined as a shade or ornamental tree located in whole or in part within the limits of a public way or public place, provided that the tree is either (a) planted by the municipality or (b) is designated as a shade tree pursuant to a municipal shade tree preservation plan. Public place is defined as municipal property, including a municipal park, a recreation area, or a municipal building. Public way is defined as a right-of-way held by a municipality, including a town highway.  

Shade Tree Removal

Each municipality manages trees on public land, which includes municipally-owned parks, buildings, and properties i.e. cemeteries; this varies by municipality, as well as the public right-of-way. Within the public right-of-way, while the adjoining landowner owns the land, the municipality has the authority to maintain the trees - and all other public infrastructure like sidewalks, fire hydrants, street lights - within that land area.  

According to the Tree Warden Statutes, the tree warden has the sole authority to make a determination regarding the removal of a shade tree, which - again - is a tree on a public way or place that has either been intentionally planted by the municipality or has been specifically identified and designated as a shade tree by the municipality.  If a citizen has a concern regarding the health of a public shade tree or wishes to have a public shade tree removed for any reason, they need to first contact their tree warden. 

In the event that the tree warden determines that a shade tree will be removed, they must post public notice and notify abutting landowners unless the shade tree is (a) a hazard to public safety, (b) must be removed to comply with State or federal law or permitting requirements, or (c) is infested with or threatened by a known forest pest and is within a designated infestation area.  If the removal of the tree is appealed, the legislative body of the municipality will hold a public hearing and make a final decision after public comment is received.  

Shade Tree Care and Planting

If you notice a need for public shade tree care such as pruning, mulching, or pest control, and/or an opportunity to plant tree(s), contact your tree warden. They can help assess the need and how the work might fit within the municipal shade tree care management plan.

Tree Information

In many cases, the tree warden is the person most familiar with the tree population in your town, thus possessing a wealth of knowledge. Keep your eyes peeled in your local bulletin for tree warden updates or events; many Vermont tree wardens are very engaged, so take advantage of the services they offer. 

Is there a tree warden position description?

Yes! The Vermont Urban & Community Forestry Program drafted a sample position description. This language and can be adapted to meet a community’s specific interests or needs.


Want to connect to other tree wardens to share ideas, questions and examples? Join the Tree Warden Listserv.

Tree Warden Listserv