Join Adam McCullough, Urban Forester at the Vermont Urban & Community Forestry Program, for an engaging and interactive hour-long conversation about all things trees. Whether your interests lie in urban tree planting, climbing techniques, saws, ropes, or any other tree-related topic, this session is open to all. Seasoned professionals are invited to challenge the expert, while new climbers are encouraged to share in the enthusiasm of a career immersed in trees.
The session will feature hand-drawn visual aids, demonstrations of various tools, and knot-tying tutorials to help clarify tactile and visual concepts in a virtual setting. To make the most of this opportunity, participants are encouraged to submit questions in advance to Adam at
Webinar will be hosted on Microsoft Teams and recorded. No registration required. Access webinar at link below.
Microsoft Teams
Meeting ID: 234 785 617 687
Passcode: 8Nj3qp7W
Dial in by phone
+1 802-828-7667,,151979487# United States, Montpelier
Phone conference ID: 151 979 487#