Internship Reflection: Documenting UCF's Grant Impact Over Time

August 27, 2024

Lila Turner

Written by Lila Turner

This summer I worked with the Vermont Urban & Community Forestry Program as a summer intern documenting the 30 years and $3.1 million in grant work that the program has done. I dug into VT UCF’s grant records and spoke with current and former staff to understand the program’s work and support of Vermont communities. With VT UCF Program Manger Elise Schadler, I selected nine Vermont communities that have a strong history of partnership with VT UCF. I traveled to those communities and interviewed key volunteers or municipal employees who were involved with urban forestry projects. Alongside those interviews, I visited sites to see firsthand the changes that occurred and took photos. This culminated in a story map with the goal of documenting the impact VT UCF grants have had over the past three decades. 

As an Environment student with a concentration in Environmental Storytelling this was an exciting opportunity to explore the various steps of telling a story– particularly one about an interest of my own, urban forestry. It was a great adventure visiting communities across the state, all with different urban forestry backgrounds, municipal circumstances, and ongoing projects. While there were overarching similarities in problems faced/facing (Emerald Ash Borer infestation, search for volunteers, and planting and sustaining street trees) and achievements (long-term passionate volunteers, green spaces created, and increased tree canopy coverage), each town had their own unique urban forestry story to tell. Overall, I had a fantastic summer diving into urban forestry in Vermont through VT UCF. 

View StoryMap of Grant Program