After the roadside ash inventory is complete, towns can do one (or more) of the following options to view, filter, or map data:
- View and filter data online using our Roadside Ash Viewer or the Roadside Ash Inventory Dashboard. Log in with the same username and password you used in your inventory.
- Download a spreadsheet of your data via the attribute table (grey arrow in the bottom center of the map) using the Roadside Ash Viewer.
- Contact Joanne Garton to receive an Excel spreadsheet of all your town ash inventory data. You can use this spreadsheet to tally the number of trees as classified by diameter class, conditions, management types, or priority removal status, and to view any comments associated with data points.
- Contact Joanne Garton to receive a shapefile of this same data for use in GIS-based platforms, such as ESRI ArcMap.
- View ash inventory data on the ANR Atlas. The data can only be displayed under their priority removal status (Yes, No, Unknown) as assigned in the field (or edited at any point later on). In the Layers tab of ANR Atlas, go to the “Forests, Parks and Recreation” tab and turn on the “Roadside Ash Inventory” layer. You can also add the “Emerald Ash Borer Areas” layer to see where your town roads intersect the high-risk EAB infested areas. From ANR Atlas, you can print 8 ½” x 11” or 11” x 17” layouts.
- Use your georeferenced pdf map from ANR Atlas in an app like Avenza to track your location online. The app is free for up to 3 maps.
- Now that the ash inventory data is on ANR Atlas, you can also export GIS data from the Open Data Portal. You can download either a shapefile or a spreadsheet. The coordinates in the spreadsheet are in lat/long.
- Solicit assistance from either your Regional Planning Commission (RPC) or another person/organization with GIS expertise to utilize the shapefile of all town data to create maps that display data as you choose.