Webinar: Tree Ordinance Basics




Middlebury EAB Management Project

Join Joanne Garton, Technical Assistance Coordinator at the Vermont Urban & Community Forestry Program, to learn about why tree ordinances exists, how to write them, and who can be on your municipal tree team. Hear some lessons learned from the Brattleboro Tree Advisory Board who updated their tree ordinance in 2022. Join the discussion and advance your municipality’s commitment to community trees and forestry!

Webinar will be hosted on Microsoft Teams and recorded. No registration required. Access webinar at link below. 

Microsoft Teams

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Meeting ID: 235 895 320 757 

Passcode: H2WP3nL3 

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+1 802-828-7667, 841584322# United States, Montpelier 

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Phone conference ID: 841 584 322#