A webinar for VT tree committees, boards, and conservation commissions.
Local urban and community forestry initiatives are typically led by members of tree committees, boards, and conservation commissions. However, their success often relies on collaboration with municipal staff and leadership. This webinar is designed for volunteer board and committee members in Vermont to share their successes, challenges, and strategies for effectively engaging with municipal staff and leadership. Moderated by UCF Program Manager Elise Schadler, the session will feature insights from members of the Montpelier Tree Board, the Johnson Tree Board, the Middlebury Tree Committee, and others. Participants are encouraged to join the dialogue and exchange ideas.
Webinar will be hosted on Microsoft Teams and recorded. No registration required. Access webinar at link below.
Microsoft Teams
Meeting ID: 289 608 852 696
Passcode: q4JL7mW3
Dial in by phone
+1 802-828-7667,152117239# United States, Montpelier
Phone conference ID: 152 117 239#