Young Writers Project- Invasives Challenge

April 28, 2019

This spring, VT UCF partnered with the Young Writers Project to raise awareness about the threats EAB poses to Vermont's forests.  Congratulations to young writers Kelly Daigle, Loren Young, and Adelle M. Brunstad - winners of the writing challenge on emerald ash borer's threat to VT forests!

The Challenge was to write a persuasive essay urging people to take action against the invasive insect, emerald ash borer (EAB); OR In poetry or prose, tell the story of an ash tree that is threatened by EAB. You might stretch back to the ash tree's history and its important role for the Abenaki people, for wildlife, or for the community where it grows. 

Read the winning pieces by clicking on the links below.  

A Tree's Memories by Kelly Daigle 

Emerald Ash Borer by Loren Young

If A Tree Falls in the Forest ... by Adelle M. Brustad

The winners will receive their prizes along with a Vermont State Park pass and be invited to read their winning submissions at the UCF's annual Arbor Day Conference at Vermont College of Fine Arts in Montpelier on Thursday, May 2.