February 2, 2024

In partnership with the Chittenden County Regional Planning Commission, VT UCF is pleased to announce Community Tree Planting Grants. The goal of this initiative is to support the planting of 2,000 trees statewide.
In alignment with the Vermont Climate Action Plan, this initiative will support tree planting in priority areas throughout Vermont. Community Tree Planting Grants will:
- support climate change adaptations through the establishment or restoration of urban tree canopy,
- improve water quality and public health by controlling stormwater, and
- supplement gray infrastructure with green infrastructure.
Up to $630,000 in grants will be administered by the Chittenden County Regional Planning Commission. There will be two rounds of funding available and the first will launch by April. These grants will not require cost-share. For more information or to ensure you are made aware once the application period opens, contact Darren Schibler, Senior Planner, at DSchibler@ccrpcvt.org or (802) 846-4490, ext.135.
VT UCF will be providing direct technical assistance to applicants and grant award winners. Technical assistance may include support regarding:
- Project design and application development
- Tree planting site assessment, including soil volume and soil condition
- Selection of tree species
- Sourcing trees
- Tree planting demonstration or assistance
- Tree care, including proper mulching, staking, and pruning of newly planted trees
- Trainings for municipal staff or community volunteers
- Tree equity considerations
For more information about VT UCF's technical assistance or to start planning a project, contact Adam McCullough, VT UCF's Urban Forester, at adam.mccullough@vermont.gov or 802-522-5104.
This grant program is made possible through American Rescue Plan Act State Fiscal Recovery funds.